Covid-antibody therapy approved in UK Antibody therapy – given to former US President Donald Trump – can now be used in the UK. Source link You Might Also Like! Spinal muscular atrophy: Gene therapy approved by NHS Meindert Boysen, deputy chief executive and director of the Centre for Health Technology Evaluation at Nice, said: "Spinal Muscular Atrophy ENGAGE+ Psychedelic therapy could 'reset' depressed brain A powerful hallucinogen used in shamanic rituals is being trialled as a potential depression cure. Source link An emerging treatment option for men with recurring prostate cancer after radiation therapy Prostate cancer is often a multifocal disease, meaning that several tumors can be present in different parts of gland at ENGAGE+ Combo Therapy Helps Beat a Common Childhood Leukemia By Robert PreidtHealthDay ReporterFRIDAY, April 2, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Combining stem cell transplants with cutting-edge immunotherapy prevents leukemia relapses ENGAGE+ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy May Help With Your Insomnia Sleep expert Rachel Manber, PhD, has seen the pervasive miseries of insomnia. Patients who are frustrated and fatigued tell her ENGAGE+ Sidelined by vaccines? What’s the latest research on COVID medication and treatments? Researchers have been working tirelessly to find an effective treatment for people with COVID-19. Vaccines are stealing the headlines and ENGAGE+ Gene therapy: 'Now I can see my own face again' In 2019 the NHS agreed to fund the treatment, Luxturna, the first in a new generation of gene therapies for ENGAGE+ Conversion therapy: Public to be consulted before ban The proposed ban in England and Wales will be announced in the Queen's Speech on Tuesday. Source link Post Tags :ApprovedCovidantibodyTherapy Social Share :