GHB: Killer drug to be made a Class B substance It was used in attacks by the UK’s most prolific rapist and the serial killer Stephen Port. Source link You Might Also Like! Britain must diet, say top health officials: BBC News Review Health officials have called on the food industry to cut the calorie content of their products to help combat obesity. ENGAGE+ 2020 Science News – A Year in Review A review of the biggest science news stories of 2020. Patreon: Official Store: ... source Coronavirus treatment breakthrough “will save thousands of lives" – BBC News The first medicine that's been proven to reduce deaths among people infected with coronavirus is expected to save thousands of ENGAGE+ Common Prostate Drug May Help Prevent Parkinson's By Cara Murez HealthDay ReporterMONDAY, Feb. 8, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- While scientists still don't know what causes Parkinson's disease, ENGAGE+ New Drug Combo Could Help Treat Uterine Fibroids For their trial, Al-Hendy and his colleagues recruited 770 women from several countries, including the United States. All had heavy ENGAGE+ Fewer Illicit Drug Seizures Seen During Lockdowns FRIDAY, March 5, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Seizures of illegal drugs fell sharply in the United States during early COVID-19 ENGAGE+ Experimental Drug May Fight Type 1 Diabetes By Amy Norton HealthDay ReporterMONDAY, March 8, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Just two weeks of treatment with an experimental drug ENGAGE+ New Alzheimer's Drug Slows Cognitive Decline in Early Test March 15, 2021 -- An experimental drug appeared to slow cognitive decline in people with early Alzheimer’s disease, according to ENGAGE+ Post Tags :class;drugGHBKillersubstance Social Share :