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How to lose 50, 75, 100+ pounds—from 3 health coaches who’ve done it themselves

How to lose 50, 75, 100+ pounds—from 3 health coaches who’ve done it themselves

It was 2008 when Dom Matteo stepped on the scale and saw the number 300. That’s when he stopped weighing himself. In 2009, Stephen Box decided, ‘I’m just going to be fat forever. Whatever.’ After diligently trying to lose fat for thirty years, Katey Caswell was still morbidly obese. She wondered, ‘Is anything ever going […]

DVT: What People Who’ve Had It Want You to Know

DVT: What People Who’ve Had It Want You to Know

Blood clots may sound like a problem for older people or those who don’t get up and move around much. But potentially life-threatening clots that form in the veins deep within your body can happen to anyone. Even young and active people can get deep vein thrombosis (DVT). People who’ve had it have some […]