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This Summer's VIPs: Vaccinated, Immunized People

This Summer's VIPs: Vaccinated, Immunized People

Ava Barker, party hostess, Buena Park, CA.

Michael J. Stern, former federal prosecutor; USA Today opinion columnist.

Shelly Groves, owner, dog-sitting service, Atlanta area.

The Canyon.


Charley King, owner, Bluebell Events, Los Angeles.

David Abramson, PhD, clinical associate professor of social and behavioral sciences and director, research program on Population Impact, Recovery and Resilience, New York University School of Global Public Health.

Amesh Adalja, MD, senior scholar, infectious disease specialist, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Baltimore.

William Schaffner, MD, professor of preventive medicine and infectious disease specialist, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville.

CDC: “Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People.”

Scientific American: “How Elvis Got Americans to Accept the Polio Vaccine.”

The New York Times: “Celebrities Are Endorsing Covid Vaccines. Does It Help?”

USA Today: “It’s time to start shunning the ‘vaccine hesitant.’ They’re blocking COVID herd immunity.”’

Major League Baseball website.

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